MN Inter-Fashion Ltd. has established its Business Conduct Guidelines for Officers and Employees in order to ensure that each of the company’s officers and employees is guided by good sense as a member of society and behaves and acts based on thorough compliance with laws and regulations.
Legal Compliance and Respect for Human Rights
We shall comply with all relevant laws and regulations within and outside Japan and shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, creed, sex, gender, religion, nationality, or other such distinctions.
Realizing a Healthy Workplace Environment
We shall respect each other’s personalities and individuality, and achieve open, communicative, and positive workplace environments free from harassment.
Compliance with Antitrust Law, Etc.
We shall promote fair, transparent, and free competition, and shall not commit acts that are regarded as a violation of antitrust laws.
Conflicts of Interest with the Company
We shall not engage in any conduct that creates a conflict between our personal interests and the company’s business interests.
Gifts and Entertainment
We shall not grant or receive any economic favor beyond the range of social courtesies.
Handling of the Company’s Information
We shall strictly manage all confidential information of the company, and personal information, and shall not use any of the aforementioned information for any purpose other than that of the company’s business.
Compliance with Procedures for Export and Import and Other Business Laws
We shall comply with laws and procedures related to export, import, and offshore trade and follow internal rules concerning security trade control.
Company Funds, and Financial Reporting and Tax Payment Obligations
We shall conduct accounting reporting in a timely and appropriate manner, while ensuring the accuracy of the reports. We shall comply with the tax laws of each country and pay taxes in a fair manner.
Political Donations and Other Contributions
When making a political donation or other such contribution to any entities, we shall comply with relevant laws and regulations and make such donation or contribution via a proper method while ensuring transparency.
Social Contributions
We shall strive to contribute to the development of a sustainable society by actively promoting social contributions, with the goal of realizing prosperous and comfortable local communities and international society.
Protection of Environment
MN Inter-Fashion Ltd. has We shall contribute to the development and spread of environmentally friendly technology while always giving consideration to safety.
Action against Antisocial Groups
We shall never deal with antisocial groups, or any entity connected with such groups.
Securing the Quality and Safety of Products and Services
We shall give the highest priority to customer safety and trust, and comply with laws and regulations and pursue suitability and safety in connection with the products and services concerned, at all stages.
Intellectual Property Protection
We shall work to protect the company’s intellectual property and carefully avoid infringing upon the rights of other companies.
Thorough Protections and Accountability to Customers
We shall provide accurate information to customers on products and services and ensure customer safety and satisfaction.
Reporting and Elimination of Mistreatment of Whistleblowers
We shall establish contacts for reporting compliance-related matters and work to identify and correct any problems at an early stage. We shall pay close attention to ensure that there will be no disadvantageous treatment with respect to whistleblowers.
Company Information
Company Information